Riverside Theatre presents the intriguing drama by Michael Hollinger, Ghost-Writer. Sponsored by Barbara M. Baldwin and Dick & Stephanie Solar, and presented by Riverside Theatre's Patron Producers Group, Ghost-Writer performs on the Waxlax Stage from March 26 - April 14, 2019.
Ghost-Writer is a moving love story with many layers. Set in New York City in the early twentieth century, respected novelist, Franklin Woolsey, and his typist, Myra Babbage, fall in love through words, semi-colons, and the foxtrot. But the romance is a restrained one as Woolsey is married.
Woolsey's wife, Vivian, a poet, is understandably jealous. She gets the intimacy of sharing a creative work space, particularly with someone as gifted as Myra turns out to be, but when Franklin dies mid-sentence, Myra continues writing his novel.
Myra insists to Vivian that Franklin is still dictating the words. Vivian is naturally suspect of Myra's motives and means, but the writing is so similar to her late husband's that she wonders if Myra is working from notes that Franklin left behind. "I do what I always have," Myra says to Vivian. "I come. I sit. I wait for the words...I do not write at all; I type." Is Myra trying to steal Franklin's legacy or might she truly possess a gift the world cannot understand?
Riverside's production of Ghost-Writer will be directed and scenically designed by Allen D. Cornell and stars Robin Abramson as Myra Babbage, Brian Sutherland as Franklin Woolsey, and Kim Cozort Kay as Vivian Woolsey.
The design and production crew includes: Anna Hillbery (Costume Design), Sarah Elliott (Lighting Design), Josh Maywood (Sound Design), and Natalie A. Lynch (Production Stage Manager). Casting was done in New York City by Wojcik / Seay Casting.
Ghost-Writer performs March 26 - April 14, 2019 on the Waxlax Stage at Riverside Theatre. Tickets are $55. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Box Office at 772-231-6990 or online at riversidetheatre.com.