The show is a vibrant music and dance-filled spectacle that explores the dreams of young Canadians through a lens of reconciliation, inclusion, and the environment. The musical features brand new original works from a host of Canadian artists: Paper Lions, City Natives, FrEd Penner, Emm Gryner, Kinnie Starr, Khodi Dill, Nikki Payne, Carmen Braden, Tiny Emperor, Daniel Maté, Riley Simpson-Fowler, Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Caroline Savoie, and Twin Flames.
Funded by the Government of Canada, sponsored by TD, and produced by Confederation Centre, The Dream Catchers is written by Mary Francis Moore with direction by ahdri zhina mandiela, choreography by Barbara Diabo, set/costume design from Rachel Forbes, sound design from Bobby Smale, and musical direction by Scott Christian. The original project idea is based on a concept by Yvonne Mosley.
The musical opens on National Aboriginal Day, June 21, in the Outdoor Amphitheatre at Confederation Centre. At the exact same time, a second touring company will open The Dream Catchers at the Museum of Canadian History in Ottawa. The two companies will both spend time touring the nation and performing in Charlottetown this summer.
Company members are from every province and territory and represent a wealth of different backgrounds. The company debuting in Charlottetown includes: Nadia Haddad (of P.E.I.), Josh Graetz, Randy Plain Eagle, Garrett Woods, Kira Fondse, Germaine Konji, Laura Coulter-Low, Ria Kapur, Kirkland Doiron, Colleen Nakashuk, Morgyn Davies, Kevin McLachlan, and Keira-Dawn Kolson.
The company debuting in the nation's capital includes: Madison Bernard (of P.E.I.), Faly Mevamanana, Rachelle Block, Stephen Thakkar, Emily Meadows, Rohan Dhupar, Clarence Jura, Kaitlyn Post, Erin LeBlanc, Jerry Laisa, Danik McAfee, Alita Powell, and Christopher Mejaki.
For complete touring and local schedules, or for more information, please visit: