In the heart of Scotland, young Murphy sets sail to uncover the truth behind the Loch Ness monster and clear her father’s name, who’s been falsely accused of murder. This whimsical, original musical features a rotating cast of actor musicians, blending mystery, humor, and heart as Murphy, her loyal dog, and a charming con artist navigate treacherous waters and discover that the dangers of the Loch are real—but not as anyone imagined. Written by the award-winning creative team that brought you PigPen's The Old Man and the Old Moon to 2023 Orlando Fringe, The Seekers and the Song is a playful and enchanting tale that explores the wonders of belief and the bonds of family, all set against Scotland’s most famous legend.
Music by Maura Sitzmann
Book and Lyrics by Nicholas Wainwright
January 9, 2025 8:30pm
January 11, 2025 12:00pm
In order to see a performance at the Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival you will need a show ticket and a $3 button. Buttons are available online or at the venue, and are a one-time purchase, good for the duration of this festival. Ticket sales are FINAL. Fringe does not issue ticket refunds. You can find more information about the festival by visiting The Seekers and the Song is part of the Orlando Fringe's 2025 FESTN4 winter festival, running from January 8 to January 12. This show is one of over 20 performances featured in a curated lineup that showcases a mix of local, national, and international talent. The festival aims to provide a compact yet diverse experience for theatergoers, allowing them to enjoy a variety of genres in one location.
Beth & Mark's BIG BANG! (The Show Must Go On..... Or Should It?) (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Erika the Red (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Colonial Circus - A Hysterical Show On The History Of Colonization (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Nuit (1/8/25-1/12/25)
The COWbaret: An UDDERly Unhinged Bovine Variety Show (1/8/25-1/12/25)
suff(rage) (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Furniture Boys (1/8/25-1/12/25)
The Chase: A Light Bringer Story (1/8/25-1/12/25)
The Light Bringer (1/8/25-1/12/25)
There's Something Seriously Wrong with Cyrus (1/8/25-1/12/25)
The Swiss Family Robinson (1/8/25-1/12/25)
UnTrueBadour! 2.0 (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Yallmark (1/8/25-1/12/25)
7 Minutes in Kevin (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Your Mom's in my Top 8: A Pop-Punk Celebration (1/8/25-1/12/25)
The Evolution of a Broken Heart (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Clingstone (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Then, Eve (1/8/25-1/12/25)
VersUS (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Psych! A Diagnostic Stand-Up Therapy Comedy Show (1/8/25-1/12/25)
Be A Pirate! (5/19/22-4/29/22)
Be A Pirate! @ The 2022 Orlando Fringe (5/17/22-5/31/22)
First Fringe Friday (11/13/20-11/19/20)
4th annual Orlando Fringe Winter Mini-Fest (1/9/20-1/12/20)
The 28th Annual Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival (5/14/19-5/27/19)
The Exorcist: The Power of Fringe Compels You! (10/29/18-10/29/18)
Orlando Fringe is at 54 Church St W, Orlando, FL 32801-3309, United States, Orlando, FL.
Wreck The Halls!
The Winter Park Playhouse (11/15 - 12/21)
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A Christmas Carol
Athens Theatre (11/22 - 12/15)
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A Charlie Brown Christmas: Live On Stage
Orlando Family Stage (11/25 - 12/29) LIMITED TICKETS REMAIN
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One Man “A Christmas Carol - 27th year
Imagine Performing Arts cCenter (12/20 - 12/22) | ||
Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (2/7 - 2/9) | ||
Mamma Mia!
Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (1/14 - 1/26) | ||
Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (5/16 - 5/18) | ||
The Sound
Little Theatre New Smyrna Beach (2/22 - 2/23) | ||
The Seekers and the Song
Orlando Fringe (1/8 - 1/12)
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Ken Ludwig's Murder on the Orient Express
Ocala Civic Theatre (3/20 - 4/6) | ||
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