The Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra began a new digital video and audio series in March entitled Sound Bites as a way to keep the orchestra connected to audience members while in-person concerts are not possible.
This series includes 3 different categories:
Musician Moments: a video series featuring Philharmonic Musicians as they sit down with Executive Director Paul Helfrich to discuss orchestral music, their background, and perform beautiful music.
OPO Ed: supplemental educational videos about the instrument families, that can be used to continuing learning about music while at home.
OPO On The Record: an audio series featuring special archived recordings of the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra from past performances, including movements from pieces performed in past seasons. Music Director Eric Jacobsen talks through the excerpt, gives a history on it and the composer, and gives a small example of what to listen for while listening to the passage. Then, you can enjoy a full high-quality recording of the movement.
One of their most recent Sound Bites, Musician Moments videos is a very special one: a virtual performance of Waltz No. 2 from Suite for Variety Orchestra by Dmitri Shostakovich, arr. Ljova, by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. The video was put together by Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra Principal Bassoon Diane Bishop, and the arrangement of this piece is by Ljova (Facebook & Instagram).
Check out the video! You can also check out the rest of the Sound Bites series here.