The Maltz Jupiter Theatre is offering local high school students the chance to produce a thrilling Shakespearian drama.
Under the guidance of industry professionals at Florida's largest award-winning professional regional theatre, the Theatre is inviting high school students to apply to be part of a free summer mentorship program to produce William Shakespeare's Hamlet. The show will take place Saturday, August 24, and will be centrally staged "in the round" at Lighthouse ArtCenter in Tequesta.
One of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, Hamlet follows Prince Hamlet of Denmark as he struggles with the death of his father and a ghostly visit, then sets out on a quest for truth, justice and ultimately revenge. Hamlet's journey reminds us all "to thine own self be true."
"Our students will be producing a dynamic, high-energy adaptation of one of the most powerful and important dramas in the English language, as adapted by T. Scott Wooten, award-winning Florida playwright and director," said Julie Rowe, director of education for the Theatre.
Known as the Youth Artists' Chair, the project aligns high school students with individual Theatre staff members for one-on-one mentoring and guidance during the creation process of the show.
Applicants for the project will be interviewed and chosen by a committee. Winning students will then take on specific roles throughout the summer months that include producer, director, set designer, costume designer, lighting designer, sound designer, properties designer, stage manager, assistant stage manager, marketing, press relations, development, carpentry, run crew, wardrobe and electrics. The students will then lead three weeks of rehearsals before mounting the show on stage.
"This project is an integral part of our Theatre's community outreach and mission statement, which is to entertain, educate and inspire our community," said the Theatre's producing artistic director, Andrew Kato. "We feel energized and fortunate to have this opportunity to mentor the next generation of theatre's leaders, and we are excited to be showcasing a new adaptation of Hamlet by T. Scott Wooten."
The deadline to apply for the project is April 8, with interviews that will take place through April 12. Submission packets are available by visiting
Those chosen for the role of director and producer will also assist in casting the show's young performers. With casting open for local students ages 13-18, open auditions for the show will be held Saturday, April 27, during the Theatre's annual First Step to Stardom audition day at Jupiter Community Center (a day which also includes opportunities to audition for three other shows: Annie, The King and I and Through The Looking Glass).
Students interested in auditioning for Hamlet should check in by 4 p.m. and come prepared with one of Shakespeare's sonnets; pre-registration highly recommended. Note that the show contains adult subject matter. For additional audition information, visit