Orlando Shakespeare Theater in Partnership with UCF is pleased to bring William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus to Central Florida audiences. Directed by Orlando Shakes Artistic Director Jim Helsinger, Titus Andronicus opens March 29 and runs through April 28, 2013 at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center. Tickets, priced at $17-$40, are on sale now at (407) 447-1700 or http://orlandoshakes.org.
Shocking, savage, and outrageously entertaining, Titus Andronicus is a cataclysmic cycle of revenge between the families of Titus, the great Roman general, and Tamora, the sadistic Queen of the Goths. Each of their barbarous and diabolical acts begets more brutal acts of retaliation. Theatrically vivid and surprisingly moving, Titus Andronicus is what a summer blockbuster would be if it were written by the world's great genius of language and theater. Teenagers as well as some adults may find the graphic scenes of violence and the play's explicit sexual content disturbing. Concerned parents and theatergoers should contact the Box Office for more information."This is going to be a terrific Titus with a small cast in an intimate thrilling space, up-close and personal," said director Helsinger. "Simple, gory, horrific, sick and twisted, Titus Andronicus was the most popular of Shakespeare's plays during his lifetime and is increasingly relevant today."Videos