A simple trip to a local home improvement store for a "honey-do" list took Sand Story artist Joe Castillo into the homes of 23 million viewers as he became a finalist on the popular America's Got Talent television show. Now Castillo comes to Melbourne, Florida to perform at The King Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, May 3rd at 7pm.
Long before his successful stint on America's Got Talent, Castillo was creating SandStory performances for youth
conventions, churches and companies of all sizes. He has created SandStory performances for over thirty Fortune 500 companies such as CBS, Walt Disney Company, NBC, Mercedes-Benz, P&G, and Apple as well as world leaders in more than eighteen countries around the globe.
Castillo grew up surrounded by art and the cosmopolitan culture of Mexico City. After moving to Florida, he attended Ringling School of Art, and received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from Florida Bible College. He formed The Advertising Library, a successful advertising agency in Knoxville, Tennessee which he owned for almost 20 years. After his first wife died of breast cancer, Castillo reassessed his life, quit his agency and returned to school, receiving a M.A. in Biblical Studies and Master of Divinity from Asbury Seminary.
Castillo also developed "WordStory" seminars to encourage artists and organizations on the use of the Arts, as well as "ArtStory" presentations that use intricately crafted illustrations, drawn live, to teach lessons as they unfold.
For more information, visit www.SandStory.com. Single Tickets may be purchased by visiting kingcenter.com or by calling the King Center Ticket Office at 321.242.2219. Ticket office hours are Mon - Fri, Noon - 6 pm; Sat, Noon - 4 pm.