The British comedy geniuses of Monty Python created what's being described as a masterpiece of hilarity when they filmed "Monty Python and The Holy Grail," in 1975. On January 27, 2013 the hysterical musical "lovingly ripped off from the motion picture," Spamalot, will make its way to the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. The musical follows in the steps of the movie by continuing the parody of the Aurthurian Tale of King Arthur's quest for the Holy Grail. However, in addition, the musical pokes fun at its Broadway peers. The show features all the quintessential characters from the film, and doesn't skimp on the subtleties like killer rabbits, cows, and of course, French people! This 4 time Tony Award winning show is a comedic ride not to be missed!
Tickets are priced from $30-$75. For more information, call the Box Office at 941-953-3368, or toll free 800-826-9303, or visit