Riverside Theatre's production is directed by Allen D. Cornell, Producing Artistic Director of Riverside. Mr. Cornell also serves as Scenic Designer for the show. Riverside's LES MISERABLES stars David Michael Felty as Jean Valjean, Todd Alan Johnson as Javert, Becky Gulsvig as Eponine, Traci Bair as Fantine, Sarah Stevens as Cosette, Bruce Landry as Marius, Peter Gosik as Enjolras, Kevin T. Collins as Thenardier, and Alicia Irving as Mme. Thenardier. Gavroche will be played by Noah David Felty and Bobby Miller III. Young Cosette and Young Eponine will be played by Kristi Beckett and Sophia Liano.
The ensemble cast includes: Mark Willis Borum, Erik Bryan, Lani Corson, Victoria Huston-Elem, Jennifer Lynn Felty, Andrew Foote, Andrew Giordano, John Grieco, Sean Jernigan, Edward Juvier, Kristin Kelleher, Anna Kelly, Ben Mayne, Val Moranto, Anthony Nuccio, Will Sevedge, Matthew Charles Thompson, Dana Winkle, and Karen Zondag.
The design team includes: DJ Salisbury (Musical Staging), Ken Clifton (Music Director), Richard Mason (Asst. Scenic Designer), Rafael Castanera (Costume Designer), Rob Siler (Lighting Designer), Craig Beyrooti (Sound Designer) with Mark Johnson (Stage Manager) and Amy Bertacini (Assistant Stage Manager). Casting was done in New York by Wojcik / Seay Casting, LLC.
For tickets or more information, visit: www.riversidetheatre.com.
The Cast
Traci Bair
The Cast
The Cast
David Michael Felty and Company