Mad Cow Theatre is delighted to announce the cast and creative team of George Brant's Grounded, a theatrical exploration into an unnerving new kind of war, which will take the Zehngebot-Stonerock stage Oct. 27, 2017 as the second production of Mad Cow Theatre's Season 21. Mad Cow is thrilled to bring this new play to life.
A woman fighter pilot moves into the ominous world of drone warfare in this dynamic one-woman show. Death is delivered by remote control. Grainy aerial footage, with its accompanying flashes of bright light and grey pixelated explosions, is part of the lexicon of war.
Grounded is the story of an unnamed fighter pilot in the US Air Force who becomes pregnant unexpectedly and is forced to exchange her wide-open sky for a dark military trailer in Las Vegas. "I stare at grey," she says - 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Brant's drama examines military life, motherhood, and a world that changes so quickly it's hard to keep up."Grounded gives us a startling look at a world most of us have never experienced," said MiTzi Maxwell, Mad Cow Theatre's executive director. "Motherhood and family are never far from the lives many of us lead, and many of us know what it is to experience jobs that we love. But what happens to a woman when she not only is torn from that life but is expected to lead the charge into a kind of netherworld of dread?"
Playwright Brant recalls an interview with a pilot: "She said something like, 'I'm not trying to be a guy. I am what I am: a fighter pilot.' It was like 'fighter pilot' was her gender."Grounded was produced first as a National New Play Network rolling world premiere in the U.S. and by Gate Theatre in London. It was awarded the Smith Prize for Political Theatre, a Fringe First Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and the Off-West End Theatre Award for best production of 2013.
The New York Times said, "Mr. Brant's play draws a nuanced and haunting portrait of a woman serving in the United States Armed Forces coming under pressure as the human cost of war, for combatants as well as civilians, slowly eats away at her well-armored psyche."
At Mad Cow, Cynthia Beckert* (The God Game) will play the Pilot. Cynthia also performs in Rivers of Light at Disney's Animal Kingdom. She earned an MA in theatre from Florida State University and an MFA in acting from the University of California, Irvine.
Director Monica Tamborello (A Short Story of Nearly Everything) returns to Mad Cow and is joined by scenic consultant Alex Wittenberg (The God Game, Constellations, Big River), lighting designer Eric Craft (Animal Crackers, Big River), and sound designer Daniel Meyer, making his Mad Cow debut.*Member of Actors' Equity Association
Previous work with Mad Cow in parentheses.