The Rollins production, opening next week, is directed by Broadway veteran and Thomas P. Johnson Visiting Artist John Christopher Jones. Hailing from New York City, Mr. Jones brings a wealth of experience as an actor and director. He made his Broadway debut in Otherwise Engaged, directed by Harold Pinter, followed by forty years in theatres on Broadway and off-Broadway.
Mr. Jones has chosen to set the classic TARTUFFE in 1930s America. Kevin Griffin, Robert Miller, Molly J. Finnegan '15, and Angelica Trombo '16 have captured the lavish art deco period in their design. "I was inspired by the movie, My Man Godfrey, with William Powell and Carol Lombard" says Jones. "The art deco period in America so perfectly captures the excesses of Orgon's lifestyle."
TARTUFFE opens on November 13th and runs through November 21st. Tickets are $20, with discounts available for students and seniors. A ticket to opening night includes admission to a reception immediately following the show -- butlered champagne service, live music, and themed treats from Paris Bistro on Park Avenue. More information on the Annie Russell Theatre's upcoming production of TARTUFFE may be found at
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