Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley by Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon., produced by Orlando Shakes in partnership with UCF, runs from December 4 - 29, 2019. Tickets (starting at $30) are available now by phone (407) 447-1700 ext. 1, online at orlandoshakes.org, or in person at the John and Rita Lowndes Shakespeare Center (812 East Rollins Street).
Light up your holiday season with a touching romantic comedy! Jane Austen's quick wit and lively humor are preserved in this Pride and Prejudice sequel. All your favorites, Lizzy, Mr. Darcy, Jane, Lydia, and especially Mary Bennet have gathered for Christmas. Awkward and bookish, Mary had been written off as a spinster, but when a curious visitor comes for the holiday, Mary blossoms, finding a kindred spirit who challenges her intellect and just may capture her heart. Can Mary become the heroine of her own destiny? Could this mean independence for the dutiful middle sister? The delightful love story unfolds like a Christmas card for Austen devotees and newbies alike.
"Featuring an all-local cast and creative team, we've brought the community together to share a story of family and love this holiday season," Director Anne Hering said. "In this witty comedy of manners, two contemporary, female playwrights breathe fresh life into the world of Jane Austen."
Director Anne Hering has appeared in recent Orlando Shakes productions of Richard II, A Doll's House, Part 2, and Shakespeare in Love. Directing credits include The Great Gatsby, The Tempest, The Turn of the Screw, Yankee Tavern, and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Anne is Director of Education at Orlando Shakes.
The artistic team also includes Scenic Designer Chris McKinney, Lighting Designer Larry Rodriguez, Costume Designer Howard Vincent Kurtz**, Sound Designer Britt Sandusky, and AEA Stage Manager Paige Gober*, as well as Lighting Design Assistants Sierra Goins, Kelsey Monteith, Joe Gugliuzza, & Levi Roberts.
For more information visit orlandoshakes.org.