The RoseTheater's innovativeTeens‘N'Theater and Multicultural Theater programs will present six productions in the spring of 2010. Teens ‘N' Theater offers Omaha youth an opportunity to establish a solid foundation in theater, while atthe same time building self-esteem and learning valuable teamwork skills. Led by the Omaha Theater Company's profes-sional actor/educators, participants learn to act,direct,write and provide technical support for fully-staged productions.
MulticulturalTheater Productions feature actors of various ages and focus on issues facingAfricanAmericans,Latinos and Native Americans. All shows are presented in The Rose's intimate Hitchcock Theater at 2001 Farnam Street.Pride Players: Project 11 Performances: January 28th at 7:00 pm; January 30th and 31st at 4:30 pm Awarded the Human and Civil Rights Award from the National Education Association in 2006, Pride Players uses improvisation to create songs, poetry, monologues, scenes and skits that explore what it means to be a gay,lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or straight-allied teen in Omaha.
Directed by Brian Guehring, Amanda Kibler,Steph Galvin and Jacky Marino. 10th Annual Young, Gifted, and Black: The Colored Museum Performances: February 17th at 7:00 pm; February 20th and 21st at 4:30 pmYoung,Gifted,and Black is an ensemble ofAfricanAmerican youth who explore issues by performing the works of great African American Playwrights. To mark its tenth season,the ensemble will present The Colored Museum, acontroversial production that lampoons the American black experience of the 1980's. Eleven vignettes electrifyplaywright George C.Wolfe's satire of what it is to be black in America. Directed by Sheila Rocha and Ashley Hare.
The Rose To Feature Six Teens ‘N' Theaterand Multicultural Shows In 2010Page 2 of 2Broken Mirror #10Performances: March 11th at 7:00 pm; March 13th and 14th at 4:30 pmBroken Mirror examines real issues that affect real girls in a cover girl world. The company of young women will use poetry, improvisation, comedy, music and more to create a dynamic new piece of theater.Exciting, daring and thought-provoking, Broken Mirror is a must-see for anyone who is, or knows, a teenage girl. Directed by Roberta Wilhelm and Tess Larson.
Young Directors Project: A Midsummer Night's DreamPerformances: March 18th at 7:00 pm; March 20th and 21st at 4:30 pmThe Young Directors Project showcases the talent of our season-long Young Directors Theater Training class. Young directors will meet once a week at The Rose for 16 weeks, culminating in this group directing experience. Mentored by Jim Hoggatt and Michael Wilhelm.Four Directions: The Independence of Eddie RosePerformances: April 22nd at 7:00 pm; April 24th and 25th at 4:30 pm This powerful production written by Williams S.Yellow Robe Jr., a member of the Assiniboine Nation, explores the life of Eddie Rose, a teenage "rez" kid confronted with the challenges of family alcoholism and abuse. Eddie must choose between the learned ways of a broken society and the traditional values of the Red Road. He tries to save his younger sister as he pursues his quest to find his true self. Only the wis-dom of his Aunty and the traditional values of his people can save his family.
Directed by Sheila Rocha.15th Annual Young Playwrights Festival Performances: May 6th at 7:00 pm; May 8th and 9th at 4:30 pmThis festival showcases the work of some of the best teenage writers in the Omaha area. Most of the scripts are created as part of our year-long Young Playwrights class, led by The Rose's award-winning Playwright-in-Residence, Brian Guehring.
Written entirely by teens, the works are filled with comedy,tragedy, hopes, fears, romance and all-out fun. Directed by Kevin Ehrhart and Jacky Marino.Participation in the Teens ‘N' Theater and Multicultural Theater program is free. All shows are presented at The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam Street.
Show tickets are $6 each and available at the door or in advance by calling The Rose Box Office at (402) 345-4849 or For information on auditions for each of these productions, please visit ‘N' Theater and Multicultural Theater is sponsored by the Mammel Foundation, Nebraska Arts Council,and The Mukti Fund.