Some Christmas traditions will never change -- lengthy wish lists from excited children, trusty teddy bears and the rule of being asleep before Santa arrives. These time-tested Christmas rituals blend with modern practices of kids having cell phones, video games and an excessive bounty of toys in The Rose Theater's production of Ticket to Toyland, which runs December 26 through 30.
"This show, like Christmas itself, has a big heart which deals with themes of generosity, forgiveness, and love," said director Michael Harrelson. "Hopefully everyone will come away thinking more about those concepts. I also think kids will get a kick out of all the far-reaching places we go and the fantastical creatures we will meet!"
In Ticket to Toyland, young Holly has lined up her dozens of stuffed animals in front of a blackboard to "teach" them about Christmas. She doesn't realize that a new toy, a living teddy bear named Ted, has snuck into her collection! Outside her window, Scrappy the Elf, is trying to get Ted's attention as the little bear is needed to help back at the North Pole. At a loss for options, Scrappy calls Holly's cell phone and asks to speak with the bear. The reality of a real elf and a live teddy bear shake Holly and her little brother, Michael, to the core. They all listen intently as Scrappy admits her indiscretion of stealing Santa's magic dust to make Ted come to life. The magic dust is the stuff that Santa uses to make his sleigh fly and Scrappy has used all of it for her own reasons.
To right her wrong, Scrappy enlists the help of Ted and the children as they travel to outer space, a troll's cave and under the sea to gather the elements that make up Santa's special dust. Throughout their journey, the audience is asked to sing along, grunt and growl, make dolphin sounds and chant to the various unusual characters holding the silver, gold, red and green magical dust. With the cooperation of everyone, Scrappy and his friends make it to the North Pole in time to present Santa with the dust that will send him on his flight around the world. In the end, we discover that a small bag of magic from Santa and Scrappy has been tucked into the pocket of Holly's robe. Having learned it is better to give than to receive throughout the ordeal, she uses the dust to ensure everyone in the audience has a happy holiday season.
Originally written in 1989 as a matinee to alternate with evening performances of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at the old Emmy Gifford Children's Theater, the current production of Ticket To Toyland has been radically updated. As departing Artistic Director James Larson was putting together his final season for The Rose, he harkened back to the small play with a big heart. Playwright Karen Abbott and director Michael Harrelson updated the show to resonate with today's children and to take advantage of the technical capabilities of a larger theater.
Ticket to Toyland will be presented at The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St. as follows:
Wednesday, Dec. 26th - 2 and 7 pm
Thusrday, Dec. 27th - 2 and 7 pm
Friday, Dec. 28th - 2 and 7 pm
Saturday, Dec. 29th - 2, 4:30 and 7 pm
Sunday, Dec. 30th - 2 and 4:30 pm
Tickets are $18 or free with Rose Theater membership. The show will be interpreted for the hearing impaired at the 2 pm performance on December 29th. Discount vouchers are available at area Hy-Vee Food Stores. Tickets may be purchased by calling the Box Office at at (402) 345-4849 or online at