Directed by Daena Schweiger, the musical calls upon seven cast members to sing, act and bring to life the puppets that live on AVENUE Q. SNAP! happily welcomes back to the stage Joe Blackstad, Matthew Uehling, Homero Vela and Rusheaa Smith-Turner, along with Music Director Mitch Fuller, Producer/Puppet Master Michal Simpson, Stage Manager Lisa McNeil, Assistant Stage Manager JoAnn Goodhew, Set Designer Shane Staiger, Light Designer Matt DeNoncour, Costume Designer Echelle Childers, Property Designer Connie Fowler. Debuting on the SNAP! stage will be Samantha Shatley, J.K. Rogers and Kate Simmons. Tom Miller and Martin Magnuson will lend a hand to round out the band.
AVENUE Q will run from August 23 – September 16, 2012 at 3225 California Street. Curtain times are 8:00 pm, Thursday, Friday and Saturday; 6:00 pm on Sundays. The Sunday, September 16th show will start at 2:00 pm. The theater opens a half hour before curtain time. Reservations must be made on-line at the SNAP! Productions website: All tickets are $20.00 for this production.
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q
SNAP! Productions' AVENUE Q