The Nebraska Theatre Caravan will hold auditions for youth (ages 7-18) for the anticipated national touring production of A Christmas Carol. Auditioning youth must not be taller than 5-foot even. Auditions will be held Saturday, August 17th at 11:00 a.m. at the Omaha Community Playhouse, 6915 Cass Street. Please enter through the stage door on the west side of the building.
The audition will include singing and reading from the script, followed by movement. Applicants should bring a resume and headshot, a 16 bar cutting of a prepared song with sheet music, and be prepared to read from the script. Applicants should also be prepared to move. An accompanist will be provided.
Estimated contract dates for A Christmas Carol are early November through late December 2019.
Note: These ARE touring productions and performances will be conducted across the United States. Rehearsals will be held 9 a.m.-6 p.m in Omaha. All actors must be available to attend all rehearsals during stated times, as well as all performances.
Youths selected for the tour will miss approximately seven weeks of school. A tutor / chaperone will be provided for the tour.
For additional audition or production information, contact Company Manager Kate Whitecotton at (402) 553-4890.