"The Cowboy Who Fell From The Sky" - an immersive, post-apocalyptic, pop-up folk concert - will be performed February 22nd-24th and March 1st-3rd at 8pm at Oklahoma Shakespeare in the Park on Paseo (2920 Paseo ...near 30th & Walker.) Additionally, Taylor Gross's inter-dimensional graphic paintings will be housed in the lobby in a series called ((("Hard Traveling" a space romp!)))
Michael and Taylor have been friends and colleagues for 25 years. They sat next to each other in their high school's AP Art class. Years later Taylor had an underground venue in Norman that Michael produced shows in. And now, coincidentally, they're producing visual and performance work in the same genre: dystopian space westerns.
"Cowboy..." is the newest original show from Oklahoma-based singer/songwriter Michael Todd, hailed by BroadwayWorld as "a renaissance man for the new millennium."
In another dimension, Oklahoma is the last remaining island on Earth, and a mysterious cowboy gathers the last remaining survivors...whose lives will be forever changed by his sudden appearance. "In this new show I get to send all these beautiful alien singers to another dimension to fall in love. I think it's a most appropriate dystopian musical for Valentine's Day." Todd says of his new creation.
Todd's last show "Gallow Walkers" (presented Halloween 2017) featured actor / singer / multi-instrumentalists, circus arts, silent film projections, and more. Audiences can expect all that and more, as "Cowboy..." features the same cast.
"For this show, I'm drawing inspiration from the Space Race and Spaghetti Westerns of the late 1960s. Also, our cast all play their own instruments (including banjo, dobro, cello, and harp - among others) and perform aerial acrobatics. I had the opportunity create something that would highlight the incredible talent right here in Oklahoma."
The show stars local favorites Amanda Fortney, Mateja Govich, Ben Harrell, Chelcy Harrell, Jessica Tate, Jennifer Teel, Michael Todd, and John Rouse. The creative team includes Ronn Burton, Michael Scott Gordon, Audrey Johnston, Tom Robenolt, and creator Michael Todd.
The Art of Taylor Gross, which features graphic paintings of aliens, robots, cowboys, and trans-dimensional beings, will be featured in the lobby. Prepare yourself for the strange.
Part of the proceeds for the performances benefit Oklahoma Shakespeare in the Park. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the door or at www.michaeltoddmusic.com.