Elizabeth Hurd of NewsOK.com calls SOUTH PACIFIC, "a masterpiece... outstanding... brilliant... a magnificent example of professional excellence for Oklahoma City audiences"
Leading regional theatrical critic Alexandra Bonifield hails, "Hauntingly appealing, replete with a painter's palette's array of aspectsof the human condition, with superb voicing bringing each aspect into thesunshine of an exotic isle."
The City Sentinel says, "this is theatrical storytelling with the highest possible purpose uplifting the audience without platitudes or simplest nostrums....among the best times in local live theater of recent memory.."
"..this joint production between CityRep and the one of the best school of music at Oklahoma City University is a powerful and often poignant evening of theater full of emotion humor movement and relevance the show is highly recommend."
Don't miss this remarkable cultural event as CityRep and OCU join together to present one of the greatest musicals of all time, the way it is meant to be seen and heard.
Tickets may be purchased here.
Click here for more information.