FRESH MEET, a new play by Oklahoma writers, is making it's world debut starting February 10, 2012 for a limited run. A broad collection of comic scenes and sketches, it features six actors playing twenty-four different characters. The scenes travel through time and space, venturing from a typical American office building, to 1950s New York, to heaven, and beyond. The script is a collaborative project, written by Rebecca McCauley, Rodney Brazil, Lisa Lasky, Robert Matson, Holly McNatt, and Peter Young. All of Fresh Meet's co-writers have strong Oklahoma ties, with 4 out of 6 currently living right here in the metro.
Fresh Meet makes a clear declaration: Brief encounters happen for a reason. When we meet new people we instantly feel something:sometimes love, sometimes hate, sometimes we don't know what it is. Frequently it changes over time, and it usually turns out we were completely wrong. Why is it so hard to figure people out? The show takes a hilarious look at the brushes and collisions people have everyday, and tackles the mystery of why, no matter how imperfect, we can't seem to live without each other.Videos