Based on the original Hans Christian Andersen version (Not the Disney Movie), and written by 16-year-old Geneva Foster-Narvaez, a student at the Harlem School of the Arts, The Little Mermaid tells the story of the youngest and prettiest of six mermaid sisters. The young mermaid becomes consumed by love for a human Prince, and willingly gives up everything that makes her unique, to assume a form that would bring her closer to him.
The Little Mermaid is more than a fairytale and more than a love story. This timeless story provides a host of lessons from which to draw – its message resonates even across time. This classic written more than 200 years ago hits at the core of what makes us each special and reminds us that decisions we make have consequences. Those consequences can impact our lives and the lives of others. As the playwright so aptly put it, at its heart it is a story about loving who we are, as we are, and it is about cherishing our roots and our heritage.
Void Main
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