"The Joe Hill Revival," is a new musical that brings back to life the story of labor activist and songwriter Joe Hill, framed up and executed by the state of Utah in 1915. This will be an encore one-night-only performance at the Triad Theater in Manhattan on Sunday, February 6, 2-4pm. The book and original music and lyrics are by Dan Furman, with additional lyrics by Joe Hill and others. The musical is directed and choreographed by Jerome Harmann-Hardeman, with a cast featuring Laurnt Grant Williams as Joe Hill and Caitlin Caruso Dobbs as Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. They are joined by Nicola Barrett, Laura Bright, Curtis Faulkner, Julia Fein, Drew Hill, Christopher Isolano and Ace McCarthy and supported by a 4-piece band. Early 20th century songwriter and activist Joe Hill often rewrote the words of church hymns and popular tunes of his time, converting them into songs of protest and activism. Extending that approach, "The Joe Hill Revival" show revives Hill's life and lyrics using the musical language of our time. The audience is given a chance to sing along with Hill's songs and to connect what inspired movements like the International Workers of the World to challenges we still face today. And the story? A love triangle, hidden for years, between IWW activist Joe Hill and Hilda Erickson which led to his shooting. A trial and execution by a state determined to drive the IWW out of Utah. The words of firebrand activist Elizabeth Gurley Flynn brought to life. A show about finding joy in living, fighting (and sometimes even dying) for what you believe in. We hold history in our hands.
At the Triad Theater: https://www.instantseats.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=buy.event&eventID=096DFC10-9F9C-794B-C6441A049AC3123A
Ages: Children allowed
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