Plot: This is a story about a married couple Katsu and Kiku, lived in Japan long time ago. Katsu was the most skillful and popular fish dealer in Tokyo. However, He had a big problem with sake that he drank sake a lot every day and so he got lazy. Over time, he loses his old-time customers trust and trade and stayed home more often drinking his beloved sake. His wife always worried about him. One day, he found a lost wallet at a beach. Their slapstick starts with this unordinary incident... About *Rakugo: Rakugo is a form of Japanese verbal entertainment. The lone storyteller sits on stage, using only a paper fan and a small handkerchief as props, and without standing up from sitting position, the rakugo artist depicts a long and complicated comical or sentimental story. The story always involves the dialogue of two or more characters. The difference between the characters depicted only through change in pitch, tone, and a slight turn of the head. It's so unique and so much fun to watch!
Void Main
cirqueSaw (1/8 - 1/26) | ||
Broadway Magic Hour
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Honey Drops It At The Cobra Club
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Shostakovich @ 150
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Adelphi Orchestra - Shostakovich@50
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The Room of Falsehood!
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