A humorous and poignant new solo show written and performed by Chris Fuller about his pursuit of a life-long dream to play on the PGA Tour while living with Bipolar Mental Disorder . Fuller, diagnosed with bipolar mental disorder goes on to detail the difficulties of competing in professional golf tournaments, while his mind raced out of control with sudden mood swings setting him on a path to self-destruction
Following the how there will be an open discussion of mental health and the healing power of sharing your own story with 3 guest experts:
Dr. Yasmine Saad, Author, Ignite the Hunger in You
Founder, Madison Park Psychological Services, New York, NY
Catherine Clark, M.ED., Author, Gifts in Dark Packages
Mental Health Expert and Trauma Counselor, Toronto, CA
Dr. Marie Cosgrove, PhD, Author, Greater Fortune,
Mental Health Advocate, Speaker, Dayton, OH
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