February 19th March 7th FRIGID NY 2020 and ETdC Projects Lab present: ARTAUD MARAT and The Inmates of His Mind.A ROI ESCUDERO performance-art -play, celebrating the sublime madness of Antonin Artaud and the courage of his truth.To buy tickets: https://www.frigid.nyc/events/artaudmarat Performances: Fri 21-Feb 6:50 PM - Thu 27-Feb 10:30 PM - Sat 29-Feb 3:20 PM - Wed 4-Mar 8:50 PM - Sat 7-Mar 1:40 PMBubi is a director of the third millennium. Bravo! -Mario Fratti - Playwright/Critic -American OggiWhat I love about the kind of theatre that Roi Bubi Escudero creates: it's imaginative, it's gutsy, and it's utterly true to itself. There are no rules in a show like this, save to be ready to embrace whatever comes before you. Such courageous art is not so common these days, and has much to teach its audience and, I venture to guess, its performers as well. Martin Denton -nytheater.comARTAUD MARAT and The Inmates of His Mind Written, Designed and Directed by ROI ESCUDERO Movement by IOAN ARDELEAN. TROUPE: Ioan Ardelean as ARTAUD and ALL his HALLUCINATIONS, Roi Escudero as MADAME NEBUNIE La FOLIE, Artauds madness, Victoria Ric as MADEMOISELLE Raison d'tre and Her Manifestations Valentin Ewan as The CARETAKER, The Ghost of Dr. FerdireOriginal sound poetry by ANTONIN ARTAUD, excerpts from To Have Done With the Judgment of God and other recordings. Mardi Gras is happening outside and the audience is brought inside Antonin Artaud's mind, where the imaginary, the symbolic and the real manifest themselves. A post-modern installation of magic(al) realism, performance-art, movement, music, sound poetry and film, which evokes the full force of the life, work and lucid madness of the beloved visionary genius of theater ANTONIN ARTAUD. In the final period of Artaud's life, he is living in an abandoned pavilion in a park convalescence clinic at Ivry-sur-Seine, surrounded by 406 school children's notebooks. The pages are covered with drawings and cutting-edge text: "a body without organs" and the paper is scarred with strokes of piercing knife-blade incisions. Artaud's radio play To Have Done with the Judgment of God has been banned. Jacques the poet, masked as "el Diablo", brings laudanum to Artaud. A flashback transports Artaud to his mother's womb. There he decides to be reborn with a purpose, to free his existence from the pain of the world and its violent indifference. Artaud (IOAN ARDELEAN) has a retrospection of his life with the support of his imaginary inmates, his favorite Greek God, the bon vivant Pan, and two of the characters of his movies: the monk Jean Massieu and the vehement Marat. Artauds madness, Madame Nebunie La Folie (ROI ESCUDERO) and the asylum guest, Mademoiselle Raison d'tre (VICTORIA RIC) and her manifestations: Truth, Violence, Passion, Desire and Soul are part of Artaud's state of mind. Artaud and his imaginary inmates are under the care of The Caretaker, The Ghost of Dr. Ferdire (VALENTIN EWAN) who knows from experience that nothing is more terrifying than reality. We chose Artauds visionary genius and brilliant madness as a way to denounce the hypocrisies of society. Tolstoy said that the most important thing in life and art is to tell the truth. We consider Artauds truth to be important and relevant to our present time, where the emotional and physical cruelty of terror is everywhere, disguised behind the powers of good and evil. ARTAUD MARAT was created by award-winning conceptual performance artist Roi Escudero with the collaboration of Ioan Ardelean and Valentin Ewan. The mise en scne combines performance-art, visual theatre, movement, sound poetry, music and film. An original multimedia narrative interweaves footage from Artauds movies and archival footage, with sound, documents, and pictures from Artauds life. Artaud is adored and respected all over the world by many generations and we intend to introduce him to many more. Artaud represents the many artists carelessly thrown aside by society, who despite their suffering with mental issues, became immortal through their wonderful work. CREATIVE TEAM: Playwright/Director/Production Designer: mise en scne scenic design, costumes, masks, objects of art, and multimedia video concept, designed and realized by ROI ESCUDERO Movement by IOAN ARDELEANProducer/Dramaturg/Stage Manager/Videographer/Multimedia and Technical Director: VALENTIN EWAN - Video collaborators: JACK PLACIDI and CESAR VALDERRAMA. The Door and Virtual Painting Celestial Intruder by JAMES EWANMusic by The Argentinian BAND (La BANDA Argentina). La BANDA Argentina is a platform at ETdC Projects' Lab for International musicians and composers to showcase their talents. The members of the Band change with the thematic course of each production. TBAETdC Projects Labs productions and its artists in residence have received in total 31 PCTF award nominations, 13 of which became Award wins, including several for Outstanding Overall Production. Roi Escuderos The 11th DIMENSION (2019) a Performance-art play with Movement by Ioan Ardelean and produced by ETdC Projects Lab and Valentin Ewan, received an IT Awards nomination for Outstanding Performance-art Production from The New York Innovative Theatre Foundation and won PCTF Awards for Outstanding Experimental Playwright and Outstanding Projection Design.For more Information about Press Quotes, Awards and Nominations, Biographies, and ETdC Projects Lab Mission and Productions please visit:https://www.etdcprojectslab.org https://www.etdcprojectslab.org/artaud-series ETdC Projects' Lab supports all the colors of the rainbow, its multilingual and multigenerational creative team gives opportunities to American artists to work with the community of International artists residing in the USA and beyond. The Lab collaborates with artists living in other parts of the world, networking art, culture and knowledge via technology and travel. The projects developed in the lab have an Eco-friendly and humanistic approach based in multiculturalism, ethics and aesthetics. Its objective is to promote cultural and creative integration through documentary theatre, performance-art, physical-theatre, visual art, video, music and dance. ETdC Projects Lab uses all these aspects to create immersive dynamic spectacles. The Artists in residence at ETdC Projects Lab come from: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Japan, Romania, Russia, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Italy, France, Spain and the USA. Good News: ARTAUD MARAT will be presented at the FRIGID Festival, winter 2020 and at The International ATELIER Festival, at the Municipal Theatre Baia-Mare, Romania 02-09 June 2020. More information to come...SPONSORS: Immense gratitude to Joan and Frederick M. Nicholas, founder and former Chairman of the Board of The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Los Angeles, CA, for their unconditional support and encouragement to my performance-art work, and the work produced at ETdC Projects Lab. More gratitude also to The Ray and Wyn Ritchie Evans Foundation for its generosity, as well as to Randi Berry and The Indie Theater Fund for its grant Pay the Artist, and The League of Independent Theater. SPECIAL THANKS: To Erez Ziv, Artistic Director at FRIGID New York, Emily Godfrey, FRIGID 2020 Marketing and PR, Genny Yosco, Artist Coordinator, Joey Neill, Technical Director; Chris Brandt, Artistic Director, Medicine Show Theatre, New York, Joe Battista, Artistic Director, 13 Repertory Theatre, New York. I extend my gratitude to IATI Theater, Ruben Celiberti, Jack Placidi, Mika Oyaizu, Cesar Valderrama, Patricia Herrera, LatinMedia, Amber Crawford and all the Artists in residence at ETdC Projects Lab and its Studio Associated Artists for their talent and dedication during the creative process of the development of ARTAUD MARAT. Many thanks to the actors who portrayed Artaud in the prior versions of the Artaud series: Andy Chmelko, Fletcher Liegerot, and Brad Burgess, the cast and production team. Merci, Artaud. *The Indie Theater Fund is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit designed to financially assist organizations and individual artists creating independent theater in the five boroughs of New York City. The intent of the Fund is to protect, sustain and strengthen this vital segment of American theater--in any economic environment--and to further enhance its positive impact on the cultural landscape of the city. The money for the Fund comes from participating organizations and artists who make donations in the amount of 5 per ticket they sell. ARTAUD MARAT benefits The Indie Theater Fund.Roi Escudero's work is under the umbrella of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Postcard: The Eyes of Artaud 2020 by Roi Escudero
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