On April 9th, theatreisdead, meme page turned theatre company, and Rock Rising, a media company, will livestream the premiere of our new audioplay BY MORNING on Youtube.
On the night of their parents' funeral, three brothers gather in the living room of their family home to try to reckon with what has happened. The play explores the difficult work of finding meaning in the future, and in one another.
Although BY MORNING was written prior to this moment of global pandemic, they are premiering it NOW in the hope that the listening experience will bring a needed intimacy and catharsis during an overwhelming time. Themes of isolation and grief, particularly in the confines of shared family spaces, feel more resonant than ever.
Join the premiere on 04-09-20 7PM EST.
Youtube livestream premiere:
Theatreisdead facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaterisdead