Set in an abandoned warehouse, Giovanni (David Proval) is a respected "made-man" forced into a difficult position. Torn between love, loyalty and survival, he is asked to give up his crime boss brother, as part of a one day immunity deal also known as a "Queen for a Day." Michael Ricigliano Jr.'s new play, A Queen for a Day offers a glimpse into a world where loyalty is prized above all and there is nothing anyone would not do to protect their family.
Cast includes: David Deblinger ("Broad City," "The Sopranos," Kiss Me Guido), Portia (Film: The Sunshine Deli, Grocery) and David Proval ("The Sopranos," "Picket Fences Film: Mean Streets, The Shawshank Redemption,"). Creative team includes: Andreea Mincic (Set Designer), Bobby Tilley (Costume Designer), Isabella F. Byrd (Lighting Designer), Leon Rothenberg (Sound Designer), Libby Jensen (Production Manager), Erin Cass (Stage Manager) and Cheryl Dennis (General Manager).