When Foster Lawrence was eighteen years old he fell form a fifth floor window in Manhattan; and does not know how. This incident served as his coming out as gay/queer. Ten years later, he attempts to "connect the dots" in finding out what happened that night.
Written and performed by Ryan F. Casey 860.671.0394 ryanfosercasey@gmail.com www.ryanfostercasey.com. Thursday, Sept. 20th 2018; 7:30 PM. Theatre Row 410 W 42nd St New York, NY 10036
The work is composed of language with a rhythm; millennial jargon piecing together complexities of life coupled with physical movement. The work explores themes of coming out, being gay/queer, homophobia, sex, family, privilege, New York, storytelling itself, and the gift that is life.
UNITED SOLO THEATRE FESTIVAL is an annual international festival for solo performances held at the Theatre Row in the heart of the New York City theatre district on 42nd Street, currently in its 9th season. Fiona Shaw called United Solo "the mecca of the solo shows in the world." Over 130 participants from six continents will present their shows every day from September 13 until November 18, 2018. Numerous performances are already sold out. Through its mission, United Solo presents renowned artists as well as new talents, discovers original stories, connects artists with their audiences, exchanges diverse perspectives, fosters a dialogue for change, entertains, and now also educates through its professional training program led by distinguished artists and cultural icons. Artists and companies interested in being presented at The United Solo Festival in 2019 are now welcome to submit their applications online at www.unitedsolo.org/submit.