Sandra Bernhard, host of the live daily show Sandyland on SiriusXM Radio performs her all new show "Sandra Monica Blvd: Coast to Coast".
Sandy isheading East on Route 66to bring "Sandra Monica Blvd: Coast to Coast" back to New York City, from one coast to the other. Traversing the country Sandra takes you on a journey to find the soul of America....the back roads and the byways on a gas station map while weaving in the soundtrack you might hear on an AM radio station you pick up from Oklahoma.
She takes you to all the places you forgot but longed to remember in the muted colors of dreamy landscapes. "Sandra Monica Blvd: Coast to Coast" is her latest wild ride.
Performances are December 26th-30th at Joe's Pub. Monday-Friday performances are at 7:30pm and 9:30pm. Saturday's performances are at 9:00pm and 11:00pm. Tickets may be purchased here.