The event takes place on Saturday, January 2 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
On Saturday, January 2 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Theater for the New City (TNC), 155 First Ave., will present the seventh installment of "Open 'Tho Shut," its afternoon of "walk-by theater" that is staged in its set shop and visible from East Tenth Street between First and Second Avenues.
The program offers a succession of free, live performances in which acts are staged in the theater's set shop for audiences of socially distanced passers-by, who watch through an open garage door on East Tenth Street. The shop was renamed "The Chopshop Theater" for this series. It is outfitted with an elaborate set by Mark Marcante and Litza Colon, full stage lighting and a four-mic sound system. These live performances are also streamed live on TNC's website ( and Facebook page.