The challenge will run over several weeks during which there will be scheduled check-ins with each team.
To correspond with the return to school for Fall Semester, the Theatrical Sound Designers and Composers Association (TSDCA) announces the Fall 2020 Student Sound Design Challenge -- an opportunity for students from many different colleges and universities across the country to collaborate and create sound design together.
Students will work in teams to create short sound pieces based on a selection of prompts that can be interpreted and responded to in a variety of ways. They will gain valuable experience in a collaborative environment. The challenge will run over several weeks during which there will be scheduled check-ins where each team will receive supportive critiques from a panel of professional sound designers.
"The challenge has been set up to bring students together to collaborate who may not have met before--a real world challenge that we face as professionals.", says Leon Rothenberg, one of the group's professional members and an educator. "Students will have an opportunity to create something new and get feedback from peers, new colleagues from other schools, and industry professionals."
Sign-up is now open, and will close at midnight EDT on Friday, October 2nd. Eligible participants are current students, recent graduates, or early career sound designers in the field for no more than three years.
The Challenge will culminate with a critique with all involved students, faculty and professionals on Wednesday, October 21st.
Further description of the challenge and the sign-up link can be found here (you do not need to be a member of TSDCA).
For more information, check out the Student Sound Design Connection Facebook Page: TSDCA membership is not required to access this page.