The Broadway Comedy Club hosts the 2016 National Improv League Championship Game. After a grueling six weeks that saw sixteen teams from around the country go head to head in comedy's most illustrious competition, two teams stand alone. Representing Washington DC "The DC Comics" and From Los Angeles "The LA Lol's". At stake is the NIL Trophie and a $20,000 cash prize. Ten performers, the referee, the prize and a super involved audience, that helps dictate the action, come together to bring to the stage this tightly rapped yet chaotic comedy thriller.
You normally wouldn't associate the expression "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" with a comedy competition but The NIL is the exception. This pseudo comedy championship game is filled with fun and surprises. Each team is comprised of five players. Each player brings their very unique brand of comedy to the floor. A little standup, a little sketch and a lot of improv. The show is an adult show with edgy themes and language. The passion runs high as each team tries to capture the crown and the cash. The teams compete in four games and four rounds of what they call "The anything goes round" where a selected player can choose to do anything they desire (sing, dance, poetry, rap, stand up etc...).
The show is filled with unique characters and rich performances but what stands out most is the role the audience plays. The audience is so involved that they seem to almost get equal time. In some shows that may be a negative but in The NIL it is utterly hilarious. The room literally becomes one in this juicy Sunday afternoon comedy championship game.
The show is created and directed by award winning writer/director/producer Felix Rojas and Produced by Rojas and Comedy producer Edwardo Infante with production consultant
Victor Cruz. For tickets and info go to
The National Improv League Finals
@ The Broadway
Comedy Club
318 W. 53rd Street, NY NY 10019
Sunday September 25th
Doors open at 4:15
Showtime 5pm sharp
Cash bar
Tickets $30
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