"Lysistrata", Directed by Alice Camarota, is a bawdy anti-war comedy by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes. It is the comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War, as Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands as a means of forcing the men to negotiate a peace.
358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036
The Producers Club, Grand Theater
August 16th 7:00 (Cast A)
August 16th 9:00 (Cast B)
August 17th 7:00 (Cast B)
August 17th 9:00 (Cast A)
$20 cash at the door
or online
Cast A- onewomana.eventbrite.com
Cast B- onewomanb.eventbrite.com
Cast A
Gladys Hendricks, Claudia Gregory, Kim Paris, Mara Deanne Pelto, Arelis Torres, Sara Nelson, Patricia Yeazell, Huxley Rain Garrett, Grace Linehard, Om Raj Raut, Josh Horvitz, Manuel Estevez, Dean Knapp, Daniel Casker, Jeffrey Salce, Zakaria Tber
Cast B
Noelle Gizzi, Brittany Raper, Tara Stona, Wilma Rajakorpi,Jolie Cloutiet, Emily Elizabeth Bennett, Marie Zaccagnino, Alexandra Stafford, Emily Glaser, Chinnu Ancha, Thoeger Hansen, Manuel Estevez, Ahkai Franklin, John Dominguez, Andres Garabito, Yanni Metaxas