When Ed Malone's hilarious "THE THREE IRISH WIDOWS versus THE REST OF THE WORLD" opened in Dublin the critics raved.
So he got himself an American Visa and opened the comedy in New York where he was rewarded with four sold-out runs; two at Stage Left Studio followed by the Singers Forum and the 1st Irish Festival. Another avalanche of rave reviews. Now.Mr. Malone has teamed with entrepreneur/producer MICK MELLAMPHY who will present the esteemed international hit at the second floor THEATRE SPACE at his Upper East Side Irish emporium, RYAN'S DAUGHTER (350 East 85th Street - between 1st & 2nd Avenues) where it will open TONIGHT, JUNE 19th and play through THURSDAY, JULY 24th. Only this time.Mr. Malone will direct his own play, which now stars Ireland's newest exported sensation, FERGAL TITLEY. (Their loss; America's gain.)ABOUT "THE THREE IRISH WIDOWS" AND THE MEN THAT GOT THEM THAT WAY
"THE THREE IRISH WIDOWS versus THE REST OF THE WORLD" will never play in Cork City, County Cork, Ireland. NEVER. That's where Mrs. Malone, author/director Ed Malone's mother lives.
Fergal Titley trained at the Samuel Beckett Centre, Trinity College, Dublin from 2006-2009. He then went onto complete his Honours Degree in Advanced Performance, Film Studies and Directing, also at Trinity College which he graduated from in 2011. He was an Actor in Dublin for over four years before moving to New York in 2012.
Film/T.V credits include: 'The Tudors' (CBC/Showtime), 'Chevalier' (Elk Films), 'Natural Selection' (High Council Productions) and 'Extra Garlic Sauce' a short comedy for (Sweet Media Productions). Dublin Theatre Credits include: 'Little Women' (Gate Theatre), 'Hamlet' (Second Age Theatre Co.), 'You can't just leave' (Spilt Gin Theatre Co. Nominated for 3 Fringe awards at the Dublin Fringe Fest 2011), 'Down onto Blue, (Project Arts Centre, Rehearsed Reading), 'Dive' (Riverbank Arts Centre), 'Poe Show' (Bewleys Theatre/National tour), 'Basin' (Anu Productions. Nominated for 2 Fringe awards at the Dublin Fringe Fest 2009), 'Sodom and Begorrah' (Russell Cultural Centre), 'The Drunkard', 'Now is the Winter of our Discontent', 'Churchill X 3', 'The Cherry Orchard', The Hostage' and 'The Winters Tale' all at the Samuel Beckett Theatre, Trinity College, Dublin. New York Theatre Credits include: 'Star of the Sea' (Irish Arts Centre/ Rehearsed reading), 'Maybe and 'The Chicken House' (Rehearsed readings both for Origin Theatre Company as part of the 1st Irish Festival, NY 2012), and 'Future' (PS122). Fergal also traveled to the Arezzo International Festival in Italy for two consecutive years with 'Love or 'Money, a cabaret show and 'Sweeney's Flight', a mythical Irish piece written by Seamus Heaney.ABOUT ED MALONE (Playwright & Director)
Ed Malone is a playwright, director, actor, and clown who was born and raised in Cork City, Ireland. He moved to New York City in 2007 after two years of schooling in Paris - first in Ecole Jacques Lecoq and then working with the legendary French clown Philippe Gaulier at Ecole Philippe Gaulier. His solo play 'The Three Irish Widows Versus The Rest of the World' received three acclaimed runs in New York City in 2010 including a sold-out run at the 1st Irish Theatre Festival. Ed's debut play 'The Self Obsessed Tragedy of Ed Malone' toured Ireland and England extensively to great critical acclaim, after which, it and it's sequel 'The Self Obsessed Tragedy of Ed Malone Chapter 2' received sold-out runs at Stage Left Studios in New York City in the spring of 2009. Ed's play 'The Ballad of Charlie & Cate' was performed as part of the Irish Repertory Theatre's 2013/2014 reading series. As an actor Ed stepped into the role of Brendan in the Irish Repertory Theatre's Lucille Lortell Award nominated production of 'The Weir' and he also played Johnny Boyle in 'Juno and the Paycock' at the Irish Repertory Theatre. Mr. Malone is a member of the Dramatist's Guild of America and American Actor's Equity.
350 East 85th Street