FRIGID Festival presents This Feeling, an original play, written by Amelia Annen and Lauren Montes, directed by Thea Throndson and performed by Amelia Annen. This Feeling runs for five performances at Under St. Marks Theatre. February 19th- March 7th.
A hallway at midnight. Cassie is locked out. Jane is not lonely, not even a little. Coincidence leads to blossoming friendship, to escaping the intruding isolation of life in the city. A comedy about throwing up and broken hearts. A romance about growing up and broken hands.
"We all feel much more than we let on, or at least I do" writer and creator, Amelia Annen says, "I was inspired by this experience that I think everyone has where you become fast friends with someone and you tell them everything about yourself, completely bare your soul. Then three months down the road you grow apart, and you are left with all their secrets. In the aftermath, you're left to examine if and where you went wrong."