FRIGID New York presents An Animal Engine production: The Vindlevoss Family Circus Spectacular! Written and performed by Carrie Brown and Karim Muasher and directed by Mark Gindick, the show will run today, February 20th - March 3rd, 2013.
Schedule: Thu 2/21 @ 10:15pm, Sat 2/23 @ 8:25pm, Wed 2/27 @ 10:15pm, Fri 3/1 @ 5:30pm, & Sat 3/2 @ 6:50pm. Tickets $10-$15, or 212-868-4444. All Performances @ UNDER St. Marks 94 Saint Marks Place between 1st Avenue & Avenue A, New York, NY.In this fringe festival favorite, the mustachioed Professor Penelope Vindlevoss discovers Edward the Zombie on her recent anthropological expedition, and takes it upon herself to domesticate him. What is Edward's final lesson? To put on a circus, of course! Physical comedy and undead logic collide in this quirky fable about how to be truly human...
Carrie Brown & Karim Muasher (writers/performers) are the Co-Artistic Directors of Animal Engine, a theatre company devoted to creating original devised theatre. They met while training in the Lecoq pedagogy at the London International School of Performing Arts. It was there that they discovered their shared sense of play and absurdity, and their collaboration began. Their works have been seen all over the world, from the London Sprint Festival to the New York Downtown Clown Revue to the Cincinnati Fringe Festival. They have studied with the incomparable clown teacher Giovanni Fusetti, assisted Big Apple Circus clown Mark Gindick, and made their mark on the New York variety scene with performances at tinydangerousfun, Whoa Wednesdays, and Punch Puppet Slam.
Mark Gindick (director) is a professional actor, clown, physical comedian, director, teacher and writer/creator of his own theatrical shows. Wing-Man, his original theatrical piece without one spoken word, won BEST ONE-MAN SHOW in United Solo Theatre Festival, the largest solo festival of it's kind in the world. Mark has appeared in major feature films, including the Nora Ephron comedy Julie & Julia with Meryl Streep; on television, The Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien and was featured in The PBS mini series CIRCUS; starred Off-Broadway and at the Edinburgh Theatre Festival in the New York Times acclaimed hit The Comedy Trio Happy Hour,; clowned on circuses such as Ringling Brothers and the Big Apple Circus as well as teaching clowning at SUNY Purchase college and other New York City venues. Mark wrote and starred in How To Be A Man at the Palace of Variety on 42nd Street (NYC) and Mark's unique blend of vaudeville, dance, and physical comedy earned him three Golden Nose Awards.