The Mad Lover In Me Is The Crazy Artist In You, based on the real-life adventures of two eccentric expatriates who find love in New York City and transform their private lives into a public exhibit of mischief and art, will play Dixon Place on July 10. Directed by Zach Udko and performed by Filip Noterdaeme and Daniel Isengart. Featuring Penny Arcade, with special appearances by Phoebe Legere and Flotilla DeBarge.
Tickets: $12 in advance, $15 at the door, $10 students/seniors. The performance takes place on Wednesday, July 10th at 7:30pm at Dixon Place, 161A Chrystie Street between Delancey and Rivington Streets. Call (212) 219-0736 for details. Subway: B, D to Grand St; F to Second Avenue; J, Z to Bowery. For more information, go to:
This madcap cabaret-style romp chronicles the real-life adventures of two eccentric expatriates who find love in New York City and transform their private lives into a public exhibit of mischief and art. With the spirits of Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas guiding them, they soon become intimately involved with many of the most influential figures of the New York art scene (and some of its nightlife's finest creatures) as they shake the city to its core with their unconventional creative bond. Adapted from Filip Noterdaeme's recently published memoir, The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart, the show features live music, special guest appearances, never-before-seen film footage, gossip, and edible masterpieces. website
estimated runtime: 60 minutes.
About The Artists:
Filip Noterdaeme is the founder and director of the Homeless Museum of Art (HOMU), a pastiche of the contemporary art museum. He lives in New York City, where he teaches art history at the New School, New York University, and CUNY, lectures at the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum, and writes a blog about art for The Huffington Post. His conceptual memoir, The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart, written in the style of Gertrude Stein's The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, was published in March 2013 by Outpost19.Daniel Isengart is a New York City-based performer specializing in contemporary adaptations of the continental Weimar cabaret style. His solo acts have been presented at countless performance venues including Joe's Pub, BAMCafé, and Galapagos Art Space. He has also been featured at The Museum of Modern Art, Café Sabarsky, The Philadelphia Museum, SF MoMA, the Cleveland Museum of Modern Art, and New York's Museum Mile Festival.
"In Bed" photo by Russel Gera.