Bridesmaids: A Dance Narrative is set to premiere this August in NY. Directed/Choreographed by Steven Blandino, this production will follow the lives of five Bridesmaids, a Bride, a Groom, as well as an Ensemble on a journey of love, jealousy, and everything in between. Bridesmaids: A Dance Narrative will try out a NY Premiere performance at Dixon Place, additional details to follow.
As of now, Bridesmaids cast will include Kathleen Laituri (Radio City Rockette), Victoria Ann Fiore (Verdon/Fosse FX), Maggie Adams, Bec Gombar, Samantha Behrens, Melissa Hunter McCann (Finding Neverland). Full ensemble will be announced at a later date, as well as Creative Team, Tix link, Date, Time, etc.
The Opening Number will be choreographed by Suzy Fischbach.
Steven Blandino has a BFA in Commercial Dance from Pace University, with a focus in Choreography. Steven is currently on Faculty at Peridance Capezio Center in NY. Steven has choreographed a NY Equity Production, an upcoming National Tour, and has presented in over 30 NY Choreographic Showcases. Dancer: West Side Story (Houston Grand Opera), Sleeping Beauty Dreams (Beacon Theatre/Artsch Center), West Side Story (Weston Playhouse), Newsies, Mamma Mia!, Shrek, Carnegie Hall's 'Take the Stage', Johnson & Johnson: Save the Children, and many more. His choreography credits include 'Ludo's Broken Bride' at the New York Musical Festival (The Duke on 42nd St), 'Rebel Rebel: The Many Lives of David Bowie' (Canada, National Tour 2017), 'Burlesque to Broadway' (Canada), The Giving Tree: Series Two (NY Live Arts), Steps on Broadway 'Performance Lab', Leg Up on Life, Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) at Peridance 2015, Young Choreographer's Festival 2015/14, Choreographer's Canvas 2015, Jared Grimes' "Run the Night", Hero Awards: honoring Jerry Mitchell, the Alvin Ailey Dance Soirée, to name a few. Additionally, Steven was featured in NY Times for his work on 'Ludo's Broken Bride' at New York Musical Festival, and was nominated for Outstanding Choreography for his work on "Elise: A Musical" (Off Broadway/Planet Connections Festival).