This season Stage Left Studio will feature "THAT PLAY: A Solo Macbeth" in its Left Out Festival beginning April 14, after which the show will continue at Stage Left Studio (214 West 30th Street – 6th Floor) through June 14.
Tom Gualtieri first performed "THAT PLAY: A Solo Macbeth" at the 2003 Midtown InterNational Theatre Festival. He subsequently performed the piece at The Kitchen Theatre in Ithaca, NY and the now-defunct Belt Theatre, NYC.
By most scholarly accounts, Shakespeare's "Macbeth" had its first public performance at London's Globe Theatre in April 1611.
Four hundred and one years later co-authors Tom Gualtieri and Heather Hill have re-examined this bloodbath of cruelty, tyranny, treachery, violence, guilt, mayhem, bedlam, murder, madness, maelstrom, betrayal, abject arrogance and blind ambition with its added omnipotent narrator and other-worldly seductive score by Billboard Magazine's #1 world chart artist, Erin Hill, and have settled down for a two-month run with an option to continue through December.
"Macbeth" is arguably Shakespeare's bloodiest play opening amidst thunder and lightning with three witches projecting the unthinkable - regicide, assassination, massacre, insanity and decapitation.
Consumed by ambition and driven into action by his power-mad wife, Macbeth murders the Scottish King Duncan usurping the throne and crowning his vicious Lady Macbeth Queen.
The Macbeths spectacularly spiral downwards as they begin doing away with anyone who might even suspect them of their unthinkable crime.
The body count astronomically ascends until the lady of the house goes to her death completely bonkers minutes before Macduff beheads Macbeth for slaughtering his innocent family.
Co-author Heather Hill directs.
TICKETS are $20. RESERVATIONS and more information can be found at