Spotlight Youth Theatre, a Staten Island theatre and production company, is introducing the musical production, Once On This Island Jr. This is a highly original theatrical adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's popular fairy tale, The Little Mermaid, written by the Tony-winning Broadway musical writing team, Ahrens and Flaherty. Through almost non-stop song and dance, this full-hearted musical tells the story of Ti Moune, a peasant girl who rescues and falls in love with Daniel, a wealthy boy from the other side of her island. When Daniel is returned to his people, the fantastical gods who rule the island guide Ti Moune on a quest that will test the strength of her love against the powerful forces of prejudice, hatred and even death.
This musical production will be taking place at the Music Hall of Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden on February 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM and February 16, 2019 at 5:00 PM. Tickets are available at the door and online at
Spotlight Youth Theatre Company offers an innovative performing arts experience as young actors rehearse & perform in Broadway musicals and workshops. They incorporate intense theatre learning into their rehearsal process. All of their teachers are industry professionals, currently working as professional actors, directors, musical directors & choreographers. Their performances are produced with incredible sets, sound & lights, offering their young actors a fully realized professional performance experience!