Sour Grapes Productions is proud to announce that their original show, "Timeless Beauty," has been accepted into the 2016 Radioactive Festival!
This dark comedy centers around the newly-famous Eliza Thorn, and her budding relationship with aspiring journalist Fredrick Cassidy. As the two grow closer, a dangerous secret about Eliza and her grandmother, Margaret, threatens to make itself known.
The Radioactive Festival, which soley celebrates female playwrights, runs May 25th - 29th. Timeless Beauty will be performing May 25th at 2pm, and May 28th at 8pm.
The show stars Andrew Rappo, Chris Weigandt, and Genny Yosco. The piece was written and directed by Genny Yosco.
The festival will be held at New York Theater Workshop, 79 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, and can be found here:
For more information about Sour Grapes Productions and our upcoming shows, visit
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