The two-woman sketch show "Shame-Full" continues its successful run at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. This original comedy is written and performed by Kathleen Cameron & Tess Richie, and directed by Leslie Meisel.
See Tess and Kathleen this Wednesday, August 28, at 9 PM at UCB Hell's Kitchen (555 W. 42nd St)! Tickets are available on for $9. These "Shame Monsters" will try to rid themselves and the world of shame. Will they succeed? Or will they make it worse by revealing things they shouldn't about themselves? They've never done this before, but they're sure it'll work!
Kathleen Cameron is a writer/performer based in New York City. She graduated from NYU Tisch New Studio on Broadway, where she studied Music Theatre, and has studied improv, sketch & character at UCB.
Tess Richie is a writer and performer based in New York City. She attended the Tisch School of Drama at NYU where she began writing vulnerable plays and learning all of Bob Fosse's original choreography.
Leslie Meisel is an actor, writer, director, teacher and currently a co-host of the monthly show COUPLES SKATE and most recently she was a cast member on the UCB house team CHARACTERS WELCOME (Season 1 & 2) and Winner of the 5th annual NBC/UCB Diversity Showcase. On screen, Leslie can be seen on the new NBC show RISE, Difficult People, Broad City, Netflix's The Characters, and the feature film Bachelorette (w/Rebel Wilson & Kirsten Dunst). As a director, she has worked on many shows at the UCB Theatre, including AzN Pop!: Live in Concert!, All In Favor, United Federation of Teachers with Natasha Vaynblatt (IFC, Funny or Die, McSeeney's), co-directed Stone Cold Fox: Sexy Idiots with Aaron Burdette, (Man Seeking Woman, The Onion), several Maude sketch teams, co-director/writer of He Said She Said with Kate Riley-Zelensky (MTV, Two Guys Named Josh) and worked with Bridge & Tunnel's staged show for Montreal's Just For Laughs Festival. Other staged shows at UCB: Bob Odenkirk and UCB PALS: A LOAD OF HOOEY, Oh My God I Heard You're Dying!, The Unbreakable Gun, Thunder Gulch Presents MNL: Monsters Night Live and she performed in LOVE CAN SUCK A D**K...AND SO CAN I! A show that was co-created by Leslie and Megan Neuringer (written by Megan with Material/Characters by Leslie) all about how much love sucks a big 'ol dong which played to sold out shows at UCBLA and had a year long run at UCBNY.
The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre is an improvisational and sketch comedy theater founded by the Upright Citizens Brigade troupe members, including Amy Poehler, Matt Besser, Ian Roberts, and Matt Walsh. The new Hell's Kitchen theater is located at 555 West 42nd Street in Manhattan. Tickets are available on the UCB website.