"Hugo Saves Christmas...in May!" is a heartfelt comedy about family, nostalgia, and shared memories centered around a year-round Christmas store going out of business.
On August 27th, Roaring Epiphany Production Company will present a staged reading of an all-new work, "Hugo Saves Christmas...in May!," written by REPC resident playwright, Steven Hayet, and performed by REPC's Co-Artistic Directors, RJ VerChaud and Jillian Faye Liebman. The reading is being directed by Luci Samp and stage managed by Ashley Waldron.
"Hugo Saves Christmas...in May!" is a heartfelt comedy about family, nostalgia, and shared memories centered around a year-round Christmas store going out of business.
Roaring Epiphany Production Company is a theater company that promotes inclusion in the arts and is dedicated to promoting and casting those who would normally be a minority in the theatrical community.
The reading will be presented on Saturday, August 27th at 3pm at A.R.T./New York, located at 520 8th Ave. For more information, please visit: https://www.roaringepiphany.org/