Renowned Japanese filmmaker Toshi Shioya is in New York this week to meet with teachers from the Stella Adler Studio of Acting and discuss their new partnership with The Actors Clinic, a prominent acting school in Tokyo led by Shioya. The coalition is producing an original theater piece, "Hikobae," which follows the story of the medical staff that risked their lives in Soma City, Fukushima after the March 11 earthquake.
"While discussing what kind of first projects to do with The Stella Adler Studio of Acting, eastern Japan was struck by an unprecedented earthquake," Shioya said. "Two weeks after the disaster, Soma City Mayor Hidekiyo Tachiya requested that we film the endless struggle in the city. The explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant happened two days after. Tom Oppenheim suggested a theatrical play commemorating the earthquake as our premiere production."
Performances of "Hikobae" are scheduled to begin on March 11, 2012, the one year anniversary of the disaster. The play is planning to open in New York later that year.
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