The War Boys follows three young vigilantes, childhood friends, enjoy patrolling the U.S./Mexican border. But these youths soon learn that even the most guarded borders are permeable. When the lines between fantasy and reality become dangerously blurred, these young men are forced to decide what it means to be an American, and who has the right to belong. Written in 1993, The War Boys is more timely than ever given the current political climate. This adults-only production contains coarse language and psycho-sexual scenes but is reflective of how young American men behave in a culture that prizes aggression and violence.
Naomi Wallace (Playwright) is from Kentucky. Her plays-which have been produced in the United Kingdom, Europe, United States, and the Middle East - include IN THE HEART OF AMERICA, SLAUGHTER CITY, ONE FLEA SPARE, THE TRESTLE AT POPE LICK CREEK, THINGS OF DRY HOURS, THE FEVER CHART:THREE VISIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST, AND I AND SILENCE, THE HARD WEATHER BOATING PARTY ,THE LIQUID PLAIN. Her stage adaptation of William Wharton's novel BIRDY was produced on the West End in London. In 2009, ONE FLEA SPARE was incorporated in the permanent repertoire of the French National Theater, the Comédie-Francaise. Only two American Playwrights have been added to La Comédie's repertoire in 300 years.
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