Playful Substance closes out its inaugural season at Under St Marks Theater (94 St Marks Place) with Woman's Work, a festival featuring 3 new solo shows that are written, produced, directed and performed by women. These three shows sift through insights on the bonds and baggage shared between mothers and daughters and how these relationships shape who we become.
Mama's 19, written and performed by Javana Mundy, directed by Pharah Jean- Phillipe is a one-person, multi-character show and documentation of the evolution, journey and struggle of the Black Woman in America. Mama's 19 takes a look at some of the effects of long term racial trauma on Black Women, Black Mothers and within the Black Community. Showtimes: July 10 @ 7:00 PM, July 12 @ 7:00 PM, July 13 @ 6:00 PM and July 14 @ 9:00 PM Gee, I Hope You Have Fun at My Mom's Death, written and performed by Bree O'Connor, directed by Courtney Wetzel finds a woman sitting a tipsy late night vigil during the final hours of her Mother's battle with Alzheimer's. Using her trademark curiosity and humor, Bree O'Connor traipses through memories of animal stories, roller coasters, pink dresses and lessons learned to reconcile the past with the all-too-inevitable present. Showtimes: July 11 @ 7:00 PM, July 12 @ 10:00 PM, July 13 @ 8:00 PM and July 14 @ 6:00 PMVideos