The 2012 Actors Studio Drama School are mounting fifteen productions over five weeks for their Repertory Season, all acted and directed by the thirty six MFA students. Here are pictures of the week one performances (March 28-31): Scenes from Fabuloso by John Kolvenbach, Scenes from Dying City by Christopher Shinn, and Scenes from Pizza Man by Darlene Craviotto.
The season takes place at The Theater at Dance New Amsterdam, 53 Chambers St., just north of City Hall, Wednesdays through Fridays at 8 p.m. and Saturdays at 3 and 8 p.m. from March 28 through April 28. The full schedule and information about plays, actors, directors and playwrights can be found online at
Admission is free, but reservations must be made in advance by phone or e-mail as seating is limited. The 24-hour reservation line is: (212) 501-2099 and email is
Photo Credit: Scott Wynn.
Zach Shea and Kay Capasso
Kay Capasso, Terhi Lintukangas and Zach Shea
Heather Burgher and Adam Petherbridge
Heather Burgher and Adam Petherbridge
Daphne Di Cinto, Andrew Dunn and Lisette Medina
Daphne Di Cinto and Lisette Medina
Richard Aleckzandar and Zach Shea
Richard Aleckzandar and Kay Capasso