Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" may be the most famous line ever written in a newspaper editorial. And this holiday season, the Heights Players Theater for Children, in conjunction with Macy's, will bring the story of that most famous line to life in Yes, Virginia, The Musical. Opening this Saturday, December 12, it is a magical story filled with holiday cheer that the entire family will enjoy!
Yes, Virginia, The Musical tells the true story of 8-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon and her curiosity about the existence of Santa Claus. Virginia loves Christmas. But then one day, her classmates bring up the age-old question, "Is there a Santa Claus?" Virginia doesn't know what to believe so she ventures into New York City to find out for herself. Along the way, she consults some unusual characters: a scraggly Santa ringing a bell, an excitable librarian with a shelf full of Christmas books, and her quirky doctor father. Unable to find the answers she's looking for, Virginia writes to The New York Sun newspaper. Her letter makes its way to the desk of curmudgeonly editor Francis Church, who has better things to do than respond to a little girl's questions. But through Virginia's determination (and a little help from a scraggly Santa), Mr. Church is persuaded to write his answer ... an answer that becomes the most famous newspaper editorial of all time.
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).
Scenes from the Heights Players Theater for Children's Yes, Virginia, The Musical. (Photo by Joe Pacifico/Heights Players).