The Actors Studio Drama School 2018 Repertory Season opened Week Six of its seven-week series of exciting and challenging theater productions with The Slave by LeRoi Jones and The Mistress of Wholesome by Jacob Appel. The season features the work of the graduating MFA Acting, Directing, and Playwriting students who collaborate on professionally produced productions presented at 3LD Art & Technology Center.
The Slave, directed by Melissa Mowry, featured Sam Johnson, Malcolm Minor and Prather Rehm.
The Mistress of Wholesome, directed by Rui Dun, featured Brittaney Chatman, Maria Argentina Souza and Jessi Zhang.
The ASDS Repertory Season closes its season this week with Boeing Boeing. For more information on the season, visit
Production Photos by Scott Wynn.
Malcolm Minor, Prather Rehm and Sam Johnson in THE SLAVE.
Prather Rehm, Sam Johnson and Malcolm Minor in THE SLAVE.
Sam Johnson, Prather Rehm and Malcolm Minor in THE SLAVE.
Malcolm Minor, Sam Johnson and Prather Rehm in THE SLAVE.
Maria Argentina Souza and Brittaney Chatman in THE MISTRESS OF WHOLESOME.
Maria Argentina Souza, Brittaney Chatman and Jessi Zhang in THE MISTRESS OF WHOLESOME.
Maria Argentina Souza, Jessi Zhang and Brittaney Chatman in THE MISTRESS OF WHOLESOME.
Brittaney Chatman, Jessi Zhang and Maria Argetina Souza in THE MISTRESS OF WHOLESOME.
Jessi Zhang, Brittaney Chatman and Maria Argentina Souza in THE MISTRESS OF WHOLESOME.