The ReGroup production is directed by Allie Mulholland and features the talents of Stephen Dexter, Kelsey Moore, Pete McElligott and George Bartenieff along with 9 other actors portraying 65 roles.
1931- is the story of Adam, who is fired from his warehouse job. Proud and determined, Adam sets out to find another job, only to discover hundreds of other men in the same situation. Without a paycheck, Adam soon realizes how much he has to lose: health, dignity, hope, and possibly even the young shop girl he loves. 1931- it is the story of all the men and women, young and old, in Adam's situation. They sleep in the parks, beg for coins and even turn to crime when there seems to be no other option. When their story comes to a head, there seems only one way left to turn: revolution.
For more about the production, visit
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-
The Cast of 1931-