Theater for the New City (Crystal Field, Producing Artistic Director) presents The Xoregos Performing Company's Brocade, an intriguing world premiere comedy set in 17th Century Venice written by Robert E. DiNardo. Shela Xoregos directs a cast of six, including Ethelyn Friend*, Sarah Kebede-Fiedler, Carla Lewis*, Bennett Saltzman, Gene Santarelli*, and Jacob Silburn with violin excerpts performed by Laura Zawarski. Original music has been composed by Barbara Rottman. Twelve performances will be staged at Theater for the New City, 155 First Avenue in New York City from January 30-February 16, 2020. *Member, Actors' Equity Association. AEA Approved Showcase.
See photos below!
1615. Venice. A cosmopolitan city populated by people from many nations and predilections. Entwined in strange ways are the intriguing lives of a once notorious woman who now masquerades as a nun, a couturier who wears his own gowns, his brainy African lover, a mysterious Don Juan, a violin-playing novice and a 60-year-old virgin dressmaker. An unusual comedy with captivating twists, Brocade will amuse and surprise.
Tickets are $18. Students/Seniors are $15. Visit
Photo Credit: Hunter Canning Photography
Bennett Saltzman & Jacob Silburn
Jacob Silburn & Bennett Saltzman
Bennett Saltzman & Sarah Kebede-Fiedler
Jacob Silburn & Gene Santarelli
Gene Santarelli & Ethelyn Friend
Gene Santarelli & Ethelyn Friend
Ethelyn Friend & Carla Lewis
Carla Lewis, Ethelyn Friend, Gene Santarelli & Jacob Silburn
Jacob Silburn, Gene Santarelli, Ethelyn Friend & Carla Lewis
Ethelyn Friend, Bennett Saltzman & Jacob Silburn
Bennett Saltzman with Gene Santarelli, Ethelyn Friend, Jacob Silburn & Carla Lewis
Jacob Silburn, Bennett Saltzman, Carla Lewis & Ethelyn Friend